The Benefits of Montessori Education Pt.1
Before we get into the benefits of Montessori education, let’s recap from our previous blog what Montessori is and entails (If you haven’t read our previous blog about Montessori, please read it here).
The Montessori method emphasizes on the child, how every child is different, how every child interacts with their environment in their own way, and how every learning and teaching activity should be tailored to meet each child’s unique learning abilities and personality. Maria Montessori, founder of Montessori, observed this in every child and recognized this by creating a holistic method that centered around every child.
Montessori education has been very well known for its benefits that has on children leading to their adult lives. Children raised with a Montessori education have been shown to be smarter, more creative, artistic and independent compared to their peers raise on traditional education. In this article, we will discuss the first three benefits of Montessori education.

- Montessori Education/Method allows children to learn at their own pace and in their own style. Unlike traditional education, the Montessori approach sees the child as a unique person with their unique way and personality. The Montessori approach does not mold the child, instead it guides them and watch them grow and learn in their own terms. This approach sparks interest in their environment and the things they want to learn. Incentivizes curiosity and love for learning new things while allowing them to learn things faster and better. This helps to make them feel an interest and attraction to what they are absorbing. Activities beautifully setup catches the attention of the toddler and their curiosity to learn more. Remember this graph?, Montessori education focuses on the child and the activities in the environment.
- The second benefit of a Montessori Education is independence. As discussed in the first benefit, the child is given the opportunity to choose their own activities, learning style and interact with their environment in their own terms. As a result, the child develops a strong sense of independence since there is little intervention from adults during learning activities. As opposed to traditional learning, the adult stands back without intervening in the child’s learning. The adult only serves to guide them during their learning process and to change activities whenever they seem to lose interest. The child learns to do things on their own before asking for help. As a result, the child will also develop creativity and problem-solving skills.
- Lastly, another distinctive benefit of Montessori education is nurturing the child and helping them understand their feelings and the feelings of others. According to, Simone Davies, in her book she talks about how toddlers, or how she calls them “The misunderstood toddler”, cannot control their emotions. Toddlers are just learning to express themselves and their feelings. The Montessori approach embraces the child by acknowledging their feelings and emotions while also helping them understand that we know and see how they feel, and that it is completely okay to feel that way. The Montessori approach also sets limits and teaches the child to respect others and be kind to others. We can do this without yelling at them or telling them to not feel or react that way. The purpose of this is to teach them respect, understanding and solidarity for others.

To recap, Montessori education brings many benefits to babies and children who are raised with this holistic approach. Montessori education emphasizes on the approach that every child is unique and each child needs a different and tailored activity to meet each child’s needs. It also focuses on the child and the interaction with their environment. Therefore, Montessori education brings three main benefits: It gives freedom and autonomy to the child to choose their own activities and what they want to learn today sparking interest, love and curiosity towards learning. It also allows the child to learn at their own pace and by themselves with little intervention from adults; thus leading to strong sense of independence. Finally, Montessori education nurtures the child and helps them understand their feelings and the feelings of others, respect for themselves and others and love for others.
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